New Documents out of Iraq – a Must Read
During an Apr. 16 raid in the Yusifiyah area, Coalition Forces discovered a large amount of documents and videos ranging from plans to critiques including al Qaida in Iraq’s strategy in Baghdad, and how the terrorist organization lacks leadership, military capability and Iraqi support.
After discovering these documents, the translated versions were sent to Coalition Forces’ leadership for analysis, said a Multi-National Force spokesman. Specifically, the al Qaida author of the “Baghdad Strategy” and the “Baghdad State of Affairs” is unknown, but officials assess he is of significance within the terrorist organization. The latter memorandum outlines that al Qaida in Iraq presently has no strategy, that the ‘…mujahideen are not considered more than a daily annoyance to the Shiite government…’, and that the ‘…mujahideen in Baghdad are generally groups of assassins without any organized military capabilities.’
“The discovery of these documents is extremely relevant. This information confirms what the Government of Iraq, Coalition Forces and ultimately the people of Iraq already know - that AQIZ’s role only attempts to impede Iraqis in following the road to prosperity, security and national unity,” said MNF-I spokesman, Brig. Gen. Rudy Wright.
According to the translated al-Qaida in Iraq’s documents, the Mujahideen’s only power lies in surprise ‘hit and run’ attacks, or setting up explosive charges and booby traps that predominantly target civilian men, women and children.
According to the author of the Baghdad State of Affairs document (translated), “The actions of the Iraqi Security Forces are having a significant negative impact on the Mujahideen’s ability to operate in Baghdad. Al Qaida in Iraq attacks Mosques and other public places to draw media attention and is having difficulty recruiting members because the people of Iraq do not support its cause.”
Iraqi Security and Coalition Forces continue to conduct operations that provide for the safety and security of all Iraqis. The Government of Iraq is presently working on forming its new National Unity Government according to its constitution voted on by all Iraqi people and is a hindrance to the terrorists who do not support this cause.
(Above courtesy of CENTCOM – Many thanks to Sgt. Gehlen from the CENTCOM public affairs office for the heads-up)
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