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Location: Shreveport, LA, United States

My pen name is AubreyJ... I’m 60 years young and I live in Shreveport, LA. I've been married only once and that is to the same lovely lady named Amy. (It’s hard to believe that after all these years she still claims me as hers!) Have one Daughter named Michelle and two wonderful Grandsons named David, (18) and Chase, (13). I spent most of my adult life as a Manager in the Sales and Service profession. Today I am semi-retired and spend most of my time searching for news stories and Blogging on the ones that I find news worthy. I’m a... just right of the middle... Republican, who’s 1000% Pro Victory on the War on Terror. I’m a strong supporter of the Troops and my Political Party... Even though I find myself in some disagreement, yet MAJOR disappointment with where the leaders of my Party have taken us over these last so many years. Sadly -- I still cannot find very much of anything that I agree with the Dems on these days... GOD BLESS THE TROOPS... their families and this great country of ours. AubreyJ.........

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Iraqi How-to Manual made for Arab Military Operatives in Afghanistan!!!?

Here’s another FOX News exclusive revealing an Iraqi manual made for Arab military operating in Afghanistan. This Translation /Analysis is titled “Iraq How-to Manual Directed Arab Military Operatives in Afghanistan” and was by Ray Robison.

It goes in part like this... An Arab regime, possibly Iraq, supplied how-to manuals for Arab operatives working throughout Afghanistan before 9/11, and provided military assistance to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. That’s the most likely conclusion drawn from an apparent training manual unearthed in captured Iraqi government computer files... Read it in full HERE complete "Saddam Dossier" Archive can be found HERE


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